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How Long is Long Enough? Depending on whose research you read, you will find a different time period for how long the negative impacts of divorce last for children. In her 25-year study on children of divorce, Judith Wallerstein found that there was really no end to the negative impacts of divorce

No matter how it is approached, divorce is likely to be a costly emotional, social, psychological and financial event for anyone who experiences it. This is true whether a person wants the divorce and initiates it, does not want the divorce and has it thrust upon them or whether the

It is not unusual for my children to have conflicts when it comes to the activities in which they participate. You can probably relate to this especially at the end of the school year when schools have their big year-end performances or celebrations. Some are bound to land on the

Divorce is a stressful experience. Selecting the right attorney to help you through it is no easy task. Finding the right legal professional is much like picking the right therapist or doctor. Having someone with the right knowledge and experience is important; however, it is just as important to find